Engage remotely in civic meetings—your voice, your impact.

Want to influence local governance but can’t always make it in person? JustUs offers Remote Access to Civic Meetings, allowing you to participate in critical local discussions from wherever you are. This innovative service bridges geographical barriers, ensuring that more voices can contribute to shaping our community. Whether it’s council decisions, planning meetings, or public forums, your input is vital. Our easy-to-use platform ensures you can log in and engage without hassle. By joining our online meetings, you help create a more inclusive and transparent decision-making process. Don’t miss your chance to make a difference; connect with us remotely and let your voice be heard.

Get involved, demand accountability, monitor how resources are used (FOIA), and voice your questions and concerns. Our Elected officials are here to serve Us, and we need to let them know how best they can serve Us, even when they don’t ask. They can not silence Us but they should be listening to Us, JustUs.

Discover the Impact

Join us today and be a part of something bigger. Your involvement can drive change and foster growth in our community. Connect with us to learn how you can make a difference.